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Raising cattle is a perfect opportunity to create a local circular economy using VRM products.  It can start with the silage process where we can create a high grade silage product from organic matter such as corn or beer marsh from local farms or breweries.  This can have significant impacts on FCR, methane emissions and enable a greater carrying capacity on your land as the cattle eat less.  Inside the sheds we can can completely re-balance the ecology by replacing your chemical cleaning process with a biological approach that protects against resistant strains.  This solves problems such as hoof rot and fixes pathogen issues at source.  The treated manure can then be used as a part of our patented Groundswell process along with any other organic waste to produce Humisoil which can be used back on the land.  During drought periods this can have a huge impact as you will see more growth of grass and the ability to terraform existing land and increase carrying capacity.  

A Local Circular Approach

Cattle Greenometer.png



A news report and interviews with a cattle farmer in Australia showing how they managed to double their carrying capacity on their land during drought years using VRM solutions.  Listen to the farmers speak directly about how we were able to encourage local diversity and encourage species of grass back into the area that hadn't been seen in years.

Cattle at Sunrise


Australia and China

Chinese news media interviews showing how they are taking mass organics including cattle manure to produce Humisoil.  Interview with Duncan Sturrock from Sturrocks Cattle Farm talking about the quality of the Humisoil that is produced as part of the Groundswell process.  


Q and A Document

A Q and A session was held between the VRM Global Sustainability Officer and EcoEdge to explain more about how VRM can take organic matter such as corn or beer marsh and turn it into high grade cattle silage.  The interview also walks through the circular economy approach in more detail. (PDF downloadable)

Farmer and a Cow

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